Wednesday 15 July 2020

Odds and Ends

The weather has turned a little 'changeable' to say the least, so I thought we'd have a few odds and ends from some of our walks over last few weeks. We start with a shot across the water of Mapperley Reservoir and the Yellow Water Lilies. At the end of last month, the flowers were just starting to open and the lily pads were providing cover for lots of fish fry.
Along Slack Lane, we encountered this fabulous little Meadow Pipit on an overhead cable. Tricky to identify unless you see the very long claw on the hind toe, which separates it from a Tree Pipit.
Shipley Woodside was looking glorious in the sunshine a few days ago. The Bee Orchids have not shown themselves this year (unless we've missed them), but the Bird's Foot Trefoil were making up for it with a carpet of yellow flowers.
Closer to home and the Sparrows are busy filling themselves on the seed - when the Woodpigeon doesn't try to hog the lot!
At Head House Farm, the herd of White Park Cattle, has expanded, with the arrival of several calves...
and they're absolutely charming.
Wild Carrot flowers are opening and attracting lots of insects, especially these attractive Soldier Beetles.
By now, the Yellow Flag Irises have all but finished flowering, but they have been quite spectacular as always.

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