Friday 3 July 2020

High Summer Flowers

The recent downturn in the weather, has meant that the local flora has put on a bit of a growth spurt, making the whole countryside, green and pleasant. Many of the wild flowers are in bloom too, from the lowly Birds-foot Trefoil...
to the Common Spotted Orchids. Sadly, these little beauties do not seem to be flowering in such abundance as usual this year. Perhaps the hot, dry spring didn't agree with them.
Thistles are starting to flower all over the place too, with Marsh Thistles being particularly well represented. Normally these have fabulous purple flowers...
But occasionally, they throw up in a white flowered version for good measure.
Amongst the wetter parts of the countryside, where the ground doesn't dry out too much, the Meadowsweet is filling the air with its own delightful fragrance.
 And it's time for the Rosebay Willowherb to join in the summer fun too.
 Tall stands of pink-flowered loveliness - who could want more?
It's all pretty spectacular.

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