Wednesday 29 July 2020

Summer Colour

The hedgerows and verges are filled with summer colour - despite the changeable weather. Along 'Donkey Walk', the dominant colours are yellow, from the Ragwort and Melilot and white, from the Hedge Parsley.
This morning, the Ragwort flowers were busy with Honey Bees and Hoverflies.
Another splash of yellow, came from several patches of Toadflax. Looking like small Snapdragons, their two-toned flowers are rather paler than the Ragwort, but still a joy.
Stretching up above the taller grasses, Creeping Thistle flowers add a very pale lavender colour to the verges and are also very popular with bees.
A stronger colour is provided by the Rosebay Willowherb. This large stand of them, is just one of several to be found on wasteland close to home.
On the dry meadows of Shipley Woodside, carpets of Birdsfoot Trefoil.
Their bright yellow flowers also hide some small patches of white, Wild Carrot and Yarrow flowers. These are kept small and stunted by the very poor soil of this area.
It's all very colourful - and more to come. Hopefully!

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