Friday 15 May 2020

Off The Rails!

Malcolm and I had to have separate walks this morning (parcel collection expected), so to avoid the crowds on the main footpaths, I went slightly 'off-piste'. The Hawthorns are looking spectacular right now.
Although the flowers are gorgeous, the scent from them, might be something of an acquired taste!
This morning, as the sun warmed the trees, their heady perfume was filling the air.
Part of my walk, took me along a little-used footpath which was once occupied by one of the hundreds of local mineral railway lines. Some of the rails and infrastructure, can still be found in the undergrowth. Here for example...
Back home, a quick look at an old O. S. map, reveals that this line was once part of the Stanton and Shipley Mineral Railway. The red arrow, marks the exact spot.
Close to this path, the meadow of Pewit Carr is looking green and lush at the moment, just waiting for the Orchids to appear.
Dotted around the area, there are a few fabulous Broom bushes in flower too. Absolutely stunning!
Looking at those old maps, it still amazes me that this whole area was such a scene of industrial bedlam with canals, railways, cuttings, sidings, Ironworks and mines all over the place - and not that long ago either!

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