Saturday 9 May 2020

All White

Our daily walk took us across the fields and into Shipley Wood again. With the sun out and feeling very warm, we were treated to the sight and scent of drifts of white flowers. The Hawthorn of course, is spectacular...
These trees were growing beside a small pond at the edge of the wood.  In the sides of which can be found many large, worked blocks of stone. Finding these a few weeks ago, indicated that we were probably on the site of a large building of some sort, now long gone.
Looking at some old maps, it turns out that there was indeed a series of buildings here, known as Parkfield Farm. Still included on a map of 1951, the stones are now the only sign it was ever here at all.
At the edge of these fields, great swathes of Cow Parsley are in full flower.
Into the woods and although the Bluebells are still hanging on, they are now past their best and the Cow Parsley is taking over here too.
Always worth a closer look at these beautiful flowers.

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