Monday 18 May 2020

Countryside colour

Our walk this morning, took us along Slack Lane and around Mapperley Reservoir, something we hadn't done for some weeks. Along Slack Lane, the views across to Shipley Hill, were dominated by  Buttercups.
This particular meadow is always filled with Buttercups at this time of year but a little sunshine always makes them look magnificent.
On to Mapperley Reservoir and we encountered a small family of Canada Geese - mum, dad and just one gosling.
Having just the one youngster, the parents were able to lavish all their attention on it as they picked their way through the emerging lily pads...
Never letting junior get too far away.
The pathways around the reservoir, were bordered with Red Campion.
Such a beautiful wild flower.
More Cow Parsley too, making a fantastic display of frothy white flowers.
Back at home, the Azalea in our back garden is looking almost unreal at the moment. I swear it would glow in the dark!
Quite lovely and magnificently over-the-top.
And to finish, a single Calendula flower, doing its best not to be outshone.

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