Sunday 26 April 2020

Odds and Ends

Out and about for our daily exercise allowance once more this morning, we did well to keep our distance from everyone else. It was much busier than usual, so we didn't tarry anywhere for photographs. Instead, here are a few odds and ends from our recent walks, starting with the Bluebells of course.
These were growing in the small wood known as Dog Kennel Coppice and from amongst the trees here we looked down upon one of the many small, brick and stone bridges which would once have carried horses and coaches, over the numerous rills, streams and canals, on their way up to Shipley Hall.
Blue flowers of a different kind were to be found growing around the lakes of Straw's Bridge a few days ago. These belong to a large patch of Ground Ivy, proving that there is no such thing as a 'weed', just a flower in the wrong place!
Along branches and tree trunks, many different forms of moss and lichen, add their own decorative effect.
The old Nutbrook Canal has been quite picturesque too.
Difficult to imagine it as it once was, carrying boat-loads of coal, stone and various ores from the local mines and quarries around here.
The good weather has meant that we've seen a lot more butterflies than is usual at this time of year. This male Orange Tip was doing his best to be inconspicuous. The bright orange markings of his upper wing surface, folded away revealing the green marks on his underwings.
Far more easily seen, are the Peacock Butterflies which have come out of hibernation to add their colour to the landscape.
At Straw's Bridge, we were delighted to see this young Rabbit.
He seemed rather tame and didn't mind us at all as we took his photograph, preferring to nibble the grass before hopping off.
What a little charmer!

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