Sunday 3 May 2020

New Month

Still in 'lockdown' for the time being, Malcolm and I have nevertheless, been able to get some nice walks, despite the weather turning a bit wetter and much cooler. The Bluebells are still looking fabulous in Shipley Woods.
When the sun shines on them, their Hyacinth-like fragrance is rather heady.
Yesterday, as we stood admiring them, an Orange-tip butterfly was busying himself amongst the flowers too.
Quite a little stunner!
Also in Shipley Woods, an old tree trunk was showing signs of fungal decay in a pretty spectacular way. The fungus in question being Laetiporus sulphureus or the Chicken-of-the-Woods, looking more like a large portion of scrambled egg!
This morning, as we did the 'farm walk', we passed a field with two large and very handsome Highland Bulls. One had his bum towards us, but the other at least was showing a good profile - and not one to be messed with!
Back home and it's time to re-fill the bird feeders again. As if the Sparrows were not emptying them fast enough, this little charmer has been helping himself too. No wonder the thing is always empty.
About six years ago, we were given an Amaryllis bulb for Christmas, from our good friend Jayne. Every year, it has flowered and increased in size and even produced several 'babies'. This year, it has surpassed itself, producing two flowering stems and NINE blooms in total. Even one of the 'babies' has produced a couple of flowers for the first time too. The gift which keeps on giving!

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