Saturday 25 April 2020

Staying Fine

It's fortunate that we have been having some lovely weather over the last few weeks. The 'lockdown' would have been much more of a chore, had we not been able to get out in the sunshine. The dry weather has also meant that we have been able to 'off piste' and so avoid too many people on the main paths.
While the Blackthorn blossom has been fantastic this year...
it is now well past it's peak. But we managed to get some nice shots while it lasted.
Now of course, the Bluebells have taken their place...
and the Apple blossom has been great also during the last few days.
Always worth a closer look.
Over at Straw's Bridge, the first ducklings have appeared...
in reasonable numbers!
Simply adorable little creatures, you could stand watching them for hours - if we were not under orders to keep moving!
More to come...

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