Tuesday 14 April 2020

Bluebell Time

It's that time of year again!
Our walk this morning, took us to Shipley Hill, to see if the Bluebells were in bloom and we were not disappointed.
Despite the rather chilly breeze, the sun was shining and the warmth was releasing the glorious scent of these beauties - especially where they were blooming in great numbers. They all seem to be about a fortnight earlier this year.
On the far side of the hill, this double-flowered Cherry tree was looking spectacular.
It required a closer look...
Returning home, we walked through Mapperley Wood and were rewarded with the sight of this pair of Mandarin Ducks, sitting on a branch across the old canal. Let's hope they find a tree with a big hole in which they can nest.
Well, that's it for our allotted exercise today.

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