Monday 20 April 2020

Blossom and Blue Sky

Still in 'lock-down', but managing to get out and about for our allowed exercise each day, Malcolm and I thought we'd do the 'Donkey Walk' today. Near the farm, the Bluebells are looking beautiful...
and along what was once the old mineral railway lines of West Hallam Colliery, masses of Forget-Me-Nots are covering the ground.
They make a fabulous display and are popular with the butterflies too.
A few days ago, we were on Shipley Hill admiring this stunning Amelanchier...
and among the old car-parks of Shipley Woodside, the Cherry blossom and Gorse were particularly good too.
Back to today and as we headed home, we passed this Apple Tree. Unusually clothed in deepest of pink blossoms and with ruby red leaves too, it was a beauty.
Who planted it, or even if it is the result of a discarded apple core (or scrunt if like Malcolm, you happen to have Cumbrian ancestry), we don't know. But it's worth a closer look all the same.

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