Thursday 9 April 2020

Cherry Blossom

With all this warm, sunny weather, the hedgerows are really beginning to burst into bloom. The Blackthorn has passed its best now, but the cherry blossom is replacing it with abandon.
This particular specimen is to be found not far from home, along the Nutbrook Trail. It gives good value every year, but is sometimes ravaged by bad weather. This year however, it is not to be beaten.
More Cherries are to be found along the 'Donkey Walk' on the way to Mapperley Village. Of course, they always look better against a bright blue sky.
Difficult to imagine as you stand on this spot, listening to the birds singing and the breeze through the cherry trees, that this was the sight of the West Hallam Colliery, less than 100 years ago.
Along Slack Lane, the Gorse bushes are looking splendid too and with the sun warming their flowers, they are beginning to release some of their coconut fragrance.
Oh well, time to return home before we over-do our allotted exercise allowance for today.

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