Wednesday 12 February 2020

Odds and Ends

With the weather continuing to throw plenty at us, it was nice to get out and about again this morning, for a walk through Shipley Park. But, no matter what the weather, the Highland Cattle can always be relied upon to put a brave face on things.
Amongst the trees on Shipley Hill, the Snowdrops are all now in full swing.
They're always good value at this time of year, even in foul weather, but especially on a sunny morning like this.
Back home, the birds are busy eating their way through about a ton of bird seed a day. The Sparrows swoop in and take what they can before the 'heavy mob' turn up!
We seem to have rather more than our share of Woodpigeons at the moment and although they are stunningly beautiful birds, they do however, make short work of the seed.
One last picture for today and this one is from a couple of evenings ago, when the clear sky meant we had a great view of the very bright moon.

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