Thursday 6 February 2020

Bright and Beautiful

It was one of those bright, clear and frosty mornings today, so Malcolm and I, set off for our usual morning walk, well wrapped up against the cold. Sunshine has been in very short supply of late, so it was lovely to see blue skies this morning.
The remnants of some early fog, were hanging about the trees and as we got to Shiply Hill, it made for quite a light show.

With a little digital manipulation too!
Nottingham Lodge was looking a little frosty too, although, not quite as much as this, from a couple of weeks ago.
The Snowdrops are beginning to put on their annual show. These were looking particularly good, under the trees, in a patch of deep shade on the other side of the Suffragette wall.
There are a few Gorse bushes in flower too. This one was adding a splash of colour to Slack Lane near Mapperley Village.
Heading back home, we stood for a few moments to watch the Highland Cattle as they breakfasted on some fresh hay, oblivious to the chilly conditions.

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