Wednesday 26 February 2020


Sunshine has been in very short supply of late. So, it was nice to be out about this morning, enjoying some early Spring sun. The hedgerows are already bursting with Blackthorn blossom, here, along the Nutbrook Trail, as we headed towards Straw's Bridge.
There are always a few Bullfinches flitting along this stretch of hedgerow, but they are so shy, it is impossible to get a picture. So, instead, we have to make do with the frothy white flowers...
in their thousands! A few days ago, the same blossom, was being taken advantage of by a colony of Honey Bees from a hole in a nearby Alder tree, unusually active for this time of year, but making the most of a warmer spell. This morning however, it was far too chilly for the bees to be out and about.
Further along, there were a few clumps of Snowdrops, flowering alongside the old Nutbrook Canal.
And another.
At Straw's Bridge, all the usual suspects, were there. The swans were busy feeding on seed at the water's edge, a Cormorant was drying itself on an island and several Pochard were diving for their breakfast. The Greylags were occupied with preening and general feather maintenance.
Everywhere is still suffering from the recent heavy rains, so it was a little tricky picking our way through the mud and puddles. But for once, it was nice to get out without getting rained on!

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