Monday 27 January 2020

Spring Signs

It was a beautiful morning for a stroll around Shipley Park, so Malcolm and I set out in the direction of Osborne's Pond and Shipley Hill. Still very wet and muddy under foot, we were nonetheless delighted to see that the Snowdrops are beginning to make a show.
It's still very early for these little beauties to be making an appearance and there are many more yet to come, but these made a good start...
as did this, small pink-flowered prunus (I think).
It all makes you think that Spring is well on the way. A few days ago, this gorgeous Mandarin was of the same opinion as he took turns at swimming about...
and picking around, looking for something tasty for his breakfast.
In full breeding plumage, he was a stunner. The geese on Straw's Bridge were busy sprucing themselves up when we were there a few days ago, too.
Just making sure they've got all those 'hard-to-reach' parts.

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