Tuesday 31 December 2019

Looking Back - part 4

We will finish this troll through the year, with a few pictures from the last three months and October started with an all-too-brief visit from Malcolm's Swiss cousin Christine and Hansüli. We had only a short time to enjoy their company, but we introduced them to fish and chips - with mushy peas of course...
showed them round some of our usual walks...
and the sights of Derby too, including - by chance - the Knife Angel...
and The Moon!
Autumn had taken hold of the countryside by this time and in a rare moment of sunshine, we got to take in the glorious colours of the season.
There were some rather scary encounters on the way, such as when we came across this 4-spot Orb Weaver...
but most of our wildlife encounters, were of a more picturesque nature.
It was fungi time of course and the Fly Agarics were rather good this year...
Even the wildlife in our back garden, was adorable.
November's weather remained wet and pretty miserable and the old canal was filled once more, to overflowing...
and it was well worth spending a few moments watching and listening to the rushing waters of the brook too as it tumbled and gushed through the trees.
At Straw's Bridge, the swans were always hungry (no change there)...
and we had a rather more exotic visitor, in the shape of this beautiful Egyptian Goose.
They don't refer to it as 'Swan Lake' for nothing!
Sunshine was rare, but much appreciated when it came.
Finally, into December and our return from a few days in The Algarve.
We had some fine weather - although not quite as good as the forecast had promised...!
Some beautiful scenery...
 and a couple of new 'ticks' for my life-list, including this fabulous little Bluethroat.
Lots of other birds to see too, including Spoonbills...
and the diminutive Fan-tailed Warblers, or Zitting Cisticola (love that name.!)
Malcolm was every bit as photogenic, but not nearly as wild, despite turning 57 while we were there.
Back home and things were looking a bit more like Christmas...
So, that's about it for another year, which just leaves me to wish a very happy New Year to all who deserve it - and see you on the other side.

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