Saturday 18 January 2020

New Year, Newquay

It's a bit of a late start to the new year, but Malcolm and I have been down to Cornwall for a few days, staying in Newquay.
The forecast was horrendous and we contemplated trying to either move our booking or cancelling altogether. But in the end, we decided to take the bull by the horns and 'go for it'.
Driving down there, in the middle of storm Brendan, was interesting and we arrived in gale-force winds and heavy rain. But the foul weather didn't last too long and we managed to get out and about as usual, starting with the parks of Trenance Gardens, where the Camellias were already in full flower.
A little early, even for these beauties.
Under the railway viaduct...
and into the more formal gardens...
things were looking quite spring-like, despite the weather.
On a small island in the middle of the stream which runs through the gardens, a Little Egret was enjoying some respite and shelter from the high winds out on the estuary.
The local Pigeons pf course, were not bothered - by anything!
We had the whole gardens, almost to ourselves.
Leaving them behind, we made our way along the Gannel river, back to town the scenic route.
Lots more to come.

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