Monday 30 December 2019

Looking Back - part 3

Into July and the weather was still being kind to us. The fields were alive to the sound of buzzing bees on the Comfrey plants...
 and the orchids.
There were new arrivals on the farm...
and on the water.
A trip to Dovedale proved to be well worth while and were were treated to the sight of this gorgeous little Dipper, living up to his name as he searched for food in the fast-flowing river.
It all looked quite idyllic.
Rather like troglodytes, we had lunch in the mouth of this cave before returning home.
In August, we had the excitement of a visit from this spectacular old Lancaster Bomber as it flew low over our home.
It was during August, that the weather seemed to turn much wetter and as the flowers still bloomed bravely...
 The brook was raging with all the rain...
and the Nutbrook Canal was filled to overflowing.
All that rain, rather curtailed our walks and by September, there were the first signs that summer was coming to an end.
The hedgerows were decorated in their finest red berries...
and we found this delightful Southern Hawker Dragonfly enjoying some rare sunshine.
September also saw us on our travels again. This time, to Caernarfon, where we enjoyed some nice walks around the famous castle...
 the old walled town...
and along the coastal paths, where we saw lots of migrant Painted Lady butterflies.
Out on the mud and sandy shoreline, waders were doing what waders do best, including this lovely Oystercatcher.
Back home and we had the good fortune to find this little stunner at Straw's Bridge...
but this green-eyed charmer, was keeping a close look out for birds in our front garden.
Autumn was definitely on its way...
That's all for today but don't go away, part 4 will be along tomorrow!

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