Wednesday 2 October 2019

Rare Sunshine

We've been battling against some pretty dreadful weather recently and as a result, some of our walks have been a little truncated. They have also been rather wet under foot, so it was very nice to get out this morning, with the sun shining and the sky blue. As we stood under the canopy of the Oak at Osborne's Pond, the reflections danced across the underside of the leaves.
It is of course, berry time in the hedgerows and along the paths leading up Shipley Hill, these Pyracantha bushes were laden with fruit.
The bright orange, looked vibrant against the blue sky.
Looking out across the wider landscape, signs of autumn on the farm, are impossible to miss. Hundreds of neat rolls of hay, have been baled up ready for the winter chill. This picture was from a few days ago.
Also from a few days ago and on another of those all-to-rare sunny days, this was the view across The Manor Floods as the sun sparkled on the water.
Just one more picture from this morning and it's a colourful shot of turning leaves near to the building site of Shipley Woodside.
Here's hoping that we see plenty more bright days this autumn, so we don't miss out on the colours to come.

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