Tuesday 17 September 2019

Autumn Is Coming

It's beginning to look a bit autumnal in the countryside. Leaves have started turning colour, fungi are poking up from the leaf litter and the Spindle trees at Straw's Bridge, are pink with ripening fruits.
Everywhere, the bright flowers of summer, are turning to gold and brown seed pods.
There was at least one thing still in full colour, unaffected by the coming autumn and that was this gorgeous Kingfisher. He announced his presence with his piping call, long before we saw him.
Frustratingly, he remained far away on the opposite side of the lake from us, but I managed a couple of half decent pictures nevertheless.
At the same lake, the Hawthorn berries provided another splash of colour.
Back home, something else to catch the eye is a neighbour's cat, who seems to spend much of the day staring in at the front window, willing Malcolm to supply the treats.
She's still a bit wary of us, so these pictures had to be taken through the window, so are not as sharp as I would have liked, but with eyes like this, who could resist?

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