Saturday 5 October 2019

Family Visit

We've just spent a wonderful couple of days, enjoying the company of Malcolm's lovely cousin Christine and her (equally lovely) husband Hansüli, over from their home in Switzerland, for a few days' visit. Of course, traditional English food was on the menu...
and the mushy peas were a revelation!
We needed a walk after such a large meal, so we explored the delights of Shipley Park...
not forgetting the snail!
Yesterday, we had a trip into Derby where we met up with Malcolm's mum, his aunt Wendy and cousin Karen. It was good timing, as our visit coincided with the exhibition of the 'Knife Angel' outside the cathedral.
An impressive - if somewhat chilling sculpture, it was attracting quite a crowd. More details HERE.
The second exhibition of the day, was inside the cathedral. The Museum of the Moon...
This stunning artwork is on tour around the world and well worth a visit if you get the chance. More about it HERE.
Just time for a stroll around town before Christine and Hansüli had to catch their train.
But it was a wonderful couple of days spent with truly lovely people. Let's hope it's not too long before we see them again.

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