Monday 16 September 2019

The Other Way!

On Tuesday, Malcolm and I decided to turn our feet 'the other way' and headed along the coast in a southerly direction. Crossing the bridge over the Seiont once more, gave us another chance to look back at the castle.
Then it was a reasonable walk of about 2.75 miles along the coast towards the nature reserve of Y Foryd. Along the way, we had some lovely views across the Menai Strait.
Out on the sand and mud, there were plenty of wading birds to attract the eye, probably the most numerous of which were the Oystercatchers. Gorgeous birds, they announce their presence with their piping calls.
Little Egrets were once a rarity in the UK, but these days they are found almost everywhere along our coastlines, where there is enough mud and sand to provide for them. This one was accompanied by a much more diminutive, Redshank.
Away in the distance, the peaks along the Llŷn Peninsula formed quite a picturesque backdrop.
Looking inland, we could just see the tiny church of St Baglan hidden behind the trees, with the looming presence of Mynydd Mawr in the background.
Time to turn back for the town - and one last picture of the castle.

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