Sunday 15 September 2019

Caernarfon 2

Away from the town of Caernarfon, there were a couple of good walks to be had. One, took us north along a long disused railway line. Wild flowers and Blackberries (and people picking them) were in great abundance along the whole walk and we had some nice glimpses of the waters of the Menai Strait...
and over to Anglesey on the other side.
Buddleia bushes were in flower and attracting lots of butterflies including this beautiful Red Admiral...
.. and several Painted Ladies.
People were out on the water, enjoying the fine weather and the calm waters.
All very sunny and glorious.
Back to the town and the Victoria Dock, was filled with some very nice boats indeed.
And always with the castle looming large over all.
More to come...

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