Monday 2 September 2019

Autumn Already?

Summer has slipped past us in what seems like just a couple of weeks and September brings with it, the onset of Autumn. To emphasise this fact, the countryside has started to display all the usual signs. Hay has been cut and rolled...
These rolls were waiting to be collected from the fields around Shipley Hill the other day.
The whole area has started taking on that slightly washed-out look after the height of summer's colour.
Some plants are still clinging bravely to their showy flowers, like this Toadflax.
But of all the signs of Autumn, the appearance of ripening fruits and berries, is by far the most obvious. These gorgeous, red berries belonged to some fabulous Guelder-rose bushes this morning.
They will certainly attract the attention of any passing Blackbird.
Hawthorn too, has started to ripen. These were growing along Slack Lane this morning, but they are to be found almost everywhere right now.
Nature's bounty, waiting to provide winter sustenance to the birds.

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