Saturday 24 August 2019

Odds and Ends

The blog has been a bit sparse lately, so here are a few 'odds and ends' from our recent walks. We begin with a couple of watery pictures, the first one is of the Nutbrook Canal, which has been rather full after all the rain.
Things have settled down a little now and the water level has dropped once more and with the sun glancing through the trees, it all looks quite nice.
In the wetter parts along the water courses and by the side of most of the ponds and lakes around here, Purple Loosestrife has been looking beautiful in it's colourful finery. The bees like it too!
The small brook which featured in the short video a few days ago, was still quite full the other day, which made it such a pleasure to just stand and listen for a few minutes.
Another common plant around these parts - and another one popular with the bees and hoverflies - is the Ragwort. Covered with hundreds of open, yellow flowers it's easy to see why it is so popular.
Lots to see beside the lakes of Straw's Bridge too, including more of that glorious Purple Loosestrife.

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