Thursday 5 September 2019

Longer Walk

Malcolm and I set out for a walk this morning, intending to stop for coffee at the Shipley Park Visitors' Centre. On the way, we passed the meadow, set out with flowers specifically for the production of bird-seed.
Despite the lovely blue skies, it was very breezy and not a little chilly in the wind. The flowers were blowing about too, which made things a little tricky.
Unfortunately, as we got to the visitors' centre, we discovered that it was closed - due to unforeseen circumstances - so a quick re-think was required. As we were almost at Heanor by this point, we decided to carry on a bit further and have our morning coffee at Costa, then take a stroll round Heanor Memorial Gardens on the way home.
The formal flower beds in the memorial gardens, were looking pretty good and still very colourful.
Heading for home, we cut through Pit Lane, back onto Shipley Park and were pleased to be rewarded with a close view of a large and impressive Southern Hawker Dragonfly.
Unusually for Dragonflies, this one seemed quite happy to let us take his photo and sat still as we got is best side.
What a little stunner!

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