Monday 25 March 2019


As Malcolm and I stepped out this morning, it soon became clear that a warm hat would have been useful. Despite the sunshine and blue skies, there was a decidedly chilly breeze blowing. But we soon managed to get find some shelter from the wind and in the sun, it was really lovely.
The White blossom of the Blackthorn, was looking particularly good in the sunshine as we looked out across the fields of Shipley Park. Along the hedges of Slack Lane, the Gorse was blooming too and giving off a delicious fragrance of coconut in the warmth.
Crossing a small brook, we stopped to enjoy the sounds of bubbling water and the birds, singing in the trees all around.
Malcolm had to stop for a 'selfie' opportunity as we passed the enormous, wooden spider....
Back to that peaceful, babbling brook, I thought a minute of relaxing video might be welcome after looking at the spider...
Aaah! That's better.

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