Thursday 21 March 2019

Water Landscape

Just a few pictures from our walks of the last two days. Yesterday, we walked to Osborne's in the sunshine and had to stop to take a couple of pictures across the water.
The trees and reeds at the side of the water, are yet to spring into life, so the scene is still a little colourless and 'beige', but the bright blue sky reflected in the water, helped a lot.
In among the grasses and twigs of the verges, lots of small, yellow flowers are now showing their bright faces. They look a little like Dandelions, but they're not. They are in fact, Coltsfoot.
Always one of the first of the spring flowers, they are a welcome sight, especially when they open their flowers in the sunshine.
This morning, we took ourselves off to walk along the old Nottingham Canal.
Construction began on the canal in 1792 but it never really succeeded, due to mismanagement and the rise railways in the nineteenth century. Now, it is mostly gone, but a few small stretches still contain water - just!
Further along the Erewash Valley, we could see Bennerley Viaduct in the distance. Built in 1876/7, it is now a Grade II* listed structure 1452ft long and some 60ft above the river Erewash. It was built to carry the Great Northern Railway. Shame it was such a dull morning, but we will no doubt be back again soon.

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