Thursday 28 March 2019

Round the Lake

It was another beautiful, sunny morning as Malcolm and I set out for our walk today, so we decided we would do a circuit of Shipley Lake, taking in Osborne's Pond on the way. The Maple Trees are just beginning to show their characteristic lime green flowers and set against a bright blue sky, they outshone everything else.
From a distance, the casual observer might dismiss them as fresh green leaves, but closer inspection shows them for what they are.
On Shipley Hill, the Dog's Mercury is flowering too. A familiar plant, it is usually completely overlooked, but such an early herald of spring, shouldn't be ignored.
Up through 'Beggar's Walk' and Malcolm was looking the part!
At the gardens of the old Shipley Hall, the Pieris is in full bloom too, its small, bell-like flowers giving away its family relationship to the Heathers.
The fresh, new leaf shoots stand out like little red flames among the green leaves and white flowers.
Back down to the lake and a pair of Mute Swans were drifting about looking for food. Just perfect!

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