Friday 29 March 2019


This morning, we took Malcom's Mum, for a trip out to  Attenborough Nature Reserve. The weather was being very kind to us as we walked around the various lakes and water-ways of the reserve.
There were plenty of wildfowl to be seen, as well as Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps, Robins and Cetti's Warblers in the trees and hedgerows.
All the while, our progress was being overlooked, by the looming presence of Ratcliffe Power Station. As Malcolm said, 'anyone who objects to having a wind farm near their home, should be given one of these instead and see how they like that'.
The walk took us along the Trent for part of the way...
and then back towards the visitor's centre and car parks. On the way, we stopped to watch some more bird life and stumbled across this Little Egret, fishing in the shallows.
Not so many years ago, you would have had to take a trip to the Mediterranean to see these birds, but now, they have become quite common in the UK.
Back to the car and on for some lunch to wish Pat an early, happy mother's day!

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