Monday 25 February 2019

Springtime Shocker!

What a difference a year makes. This time last year we were shivering with the 'beast from the east'. This year we are experiencing record-breaking high temperatures and it certainly felt like it this morning as we set out for Osborne's Pond. Although there was not much to see on the water, the views and reflections were nevertheless, rather good.
One Black-headed Gull stuck around long enough to have his photo taken. He has already lost his winter plumage and got his brown (black?) head back.
On Shipley Hill, the Snowdrops are now past their best, but still looking good enough to demand another photo before the Daffodils muscle in on the act.
Out of the trees, the views were pretty good too.
The local Wildlife Trust have been busy with improving the area, installing new paths, thinning out the over-grown brushwood and now this...
A huge, wooden spider has appeared in the woodland - not something to stumble upon in the dark!
It's enough to give us arachnophobes, quite a shock.

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