Saturday 9 March 2019

Foul Weather

Following hot on the heels of the unseasonably warm weather of February, March has reverted to something like normal. This morning, we set out with the hope of dodging the worst of the rain, a mission in which we failed! So, here are a few pictures from some recent walks in more clement weather, starting with a large flock of Goosanders (Mergus merganser) on Mapperley Reservoir.
We have about 12,000 Goosanders in the UK during the winter. We counted 36 individuals a few days ago, the majority of which were the red-headed females. In fact, I only found 2 males in the whole flock. I later learned that someone else had counted 45 individuals on the same day, but however many there were, the fact remains that the males were vastly outnumbered. I did manage to isolate one Male for this picture - despite them being typically far away.
The reservoir itself was looking good in the sunshine a few days ago with a little blue sky reflected in the surface.
The Snowdrops are just about finished for this year. On Shipley Hill, the last of them were showing a brave face before being usurped by the Daffodils.
I have mentioned before that the Wildlife Trust have been busy installing new sculptures around the area and have posted pictures of the new 'gateway'. But it's so good, it's worth a couple more pictures.
 The carving of various plants and animals, is really very good. I particularly like the Brown Hare...
Finally for today, a more general view across the Erewash Valley, looking through the mist, which gave it an ethereal feeling.
Lets hope we get some better (and drier) weather soon!

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