Thursday 21 February 2019


It was nice this morning as Malcolm and I strolled towards the lakes of Straw's Bride. Along the old Nutbrook Canal, just before we got to 'Swan Lake', a few small clumps of Snowdrops were blooming bravely among the Ivy and dried weed stems.
It seems there are snowdrops popping out all over the place this year - even where we've not seen them before.
When we got to Swan Lake, the usual suspects were causing havoc. Canada Geese were honking at each other, Coots were fighting and the Swans were vying for position as controller of the lake. Mingling with the Canada Geese and Greylags, a large, white domestic goose has taken up residency and was also doing his best to impress.
As I stood there taking his picture, he thought he'd have a closer look at me...
and the more I looked at him, the more attitude he seemed to get, until he was looking at me with utter contempt.
If looks could kill, I certainly wouldn't be writing this now!

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