Wednesday 13 February 2019

Signs of Spring

In contrast to the last few days, this morning didn't start sunny and cloud over, it started cloudy and stayed like it (at least until lunch time). So it was rather dull for taking pictures, but here are a few anyway.
There was lots of activity on the bird feeders first thing. Sparrows dominated of course, but this plucky little Blue Tit was getting his share.
Around the lakes of Straw's Bridge, signs of Spring are beginning to show themselves. The Hazel trees have been in flower for several weeks of course, but they always reward closer inspection. The familiar catkins are the male flowers...
but most people would miss the delightful, but tiny female flowers. They're there, looking rather like miniature red jelly sweets...
On to 'Swan Lake' and the ducks are busy either pairing off or fighting between themselves. Among the Mallards, one stands out.
He's only about half the size of the others and rather attractive too. There is undoubtedly a lot of mallard in him, but he is a hybrid - probably crossed with a much smaller domestic duck.
Heading for home, the reed beds of Pewit Carr caught the eye as they swayed in the breeze.
Nearby, the Blackthorn was beginning to show signs of blossom and a couple of early Hawthorn bushes have already opened their first shoots. Sure signs that Spring is on its way. As are the Snowdrops in our back garden...

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