Friday 15 February 2019

Dawn Light

The frosty mornings of late, have provided a few photo opportunities all of their own. Yesterday, as well as the chill in the air, it was also rather misty and the White Park Cattle were thrown into golden silhouette as they gently steamed, seemingly oblivious to the cold.
Turned out to graze the land and 'churn it up', they are acting as a more natural way of managing the landscape for wildlife. But in the cold of the morning, they didn't seem too interested in landscape management. They did look rather picturesque however.
The Local Wildlife Trust have been busy all over Shipley Park, improving the ground, repairing paths and fences and now they've added a new 'gateway' to the area known as 'Woodside'. Made of some very sturdy timber and intricately carved with all sorts of animals both wild and domestic, it was attracting lots of attention this morning - and quite rightly too.
Nearby, a small flock of Gadwall (Mareca strepera) were busy on the water. From a distance, they can look a bit plain and, frankly, dull. But closer inspection reveals a beautifully marked and subtly coloured bird.
The drake is as usual, much more colourful than the female and if I had noticed that I had my camera on the wrong setting, I might have got some better shots...
never mind, it just means we will have to go back and try again another day.

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