Monday 11 February 2019

Bright Start

It was indeed a very bright start this morning - if a little on the chilly side. Setting out along 'the farm walk', the sky was bright blue and the sun was shining.
Of course, the trees are still bare, but when seen against such a blue sky, they have a beauty all their own.
This old Oak still manages to appear green, even without its coat of leaves, thanks to a generous layer of moss, algae and lichens.
Frost was still clinging to the lower growing plants where the sunshine had not yet reached and looking out across the fields from Slack Lane, the skeleton of a dead tree stood out.
Further on past Mapperley Village and a Buzzard caught my eye as it flapped lazily into the top a distant holly tree. At this distance, it would have been a challenge for my old camera, but my new one coped fairly well.
By now, the clouds were gathering, so it was time to head home once more.

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