Saturday 9 February 2019

Recent Walks

We've been rather battered by high winds over the last few days and with intermittent showers, it hasn't been very nice to be out and about. So here are a few more pictures from recent walks we've enjoyed, starting with a very frosty scene.
At the end of January, we had a number of very chilly walks around Shipley Park and were treated to some rare sights, such as this frost-coated Pine.
The dry grasses drooped under the weight of frost.
When the frost thawed, everything just became wet, glistening in the sunlight.
I am always struck by the beauty of Silver Birch trees in winter, when the somewhat monochrome effect of the tree trunks is offset by the green of mosses and algae.
Over at Straw's Bridge, sparkling sunshine illuminated the heads of these Phragmites reeds.
The sunshine was also instrumental in brightening up an otherwise damp walk along this old mineral railway line.

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