Sunday 30 December 2018

Review Part 3

Where were we? Oh yes! September found Malcolm and I away for a few days in Llandudno. We walked around the Little Orme...
 we walked around the Great Orme...
 and up and over it too!
 We enjoyed the Gardens at the foot of it...
 and the Goats which roam around all over it.
 We also made some new friends - but only while we had something to eat!
Back home, we had plenty of late colour in the countryside. Rose Hips...
 and these beautiful Buckwheat flowers.
Autumn was definitely on its way by the end of the month.
By October, things were beginning to change colour in the trees and hedgerows.
 More fungi were appearing...
 and we started to get a few more misty morning walks.
October also saw the tenth anniversary of this blog. Where does the time go?
By November, the leaves were falling, but we still had a some lovely weather to enjoy.
 At this time of year, you have to make the most of what good weather you get.
 It was Malcolm's birthday at the end of the month, so we had a nice day in Buxton once more.
 Buxton is a lovely town at any time of year, but it was considerably colder than our last visit.
And so we come to December and the end of another year.
I seem to have been rather lazy of late and not posted on the blog very often. So I will try to do better in 2019. So here's to another year and see you on the other side!

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