Saturday 29 December 2018

Review Part 2

By May, the Bluebells were in full swing...
and the Cherry blossom was looking better by the day.
After a shaky start to the year, it was all rather beautiful.
The Rhododendrons and Azaleas followed with their own display of colour.
But the real highlight was undoubtedly the Hawthorn. The combination of a wet and cold start, followed by a very warm sunny spell, certainly benefited these glorious trees. They were simply smothered in blossom.
Into June and Malcolm and I set off for a few days in Norfolk. The weather was picking up even further and we made the most of our walks around some of the Broads.
We had some lovely walks taking in the old mills...
some in better 'nick' than others.
Of course it was Orchid time too and they always give great value.
Not so many Bee Orchids this year, but what there were made up for it.
By now it was getting so hot, we had to spend a lot of time looking for cool, shady walks through the trees.
By July things were getting very dry everywhere.
 Those Highland Cattle were wishing they could take off their woolly coats.
 Some Soldier Beetles were looking for a little privacy...
 and a large Bumble Bee was sunning itself on the fence.
We also had a nice trip out to Buxton and enjoyed the botanical gardens.
Things were still very warm and dry as July turned to August. The reservoirs were beginning to look somewhat depleted (they are still low, even after all the autumn rain).
At Mapperley Reservoir, we were treated to the sight of a Fox coming down to take a refreshing drink as we stood looking out across the water.
 The warm weather meant it was a better year for butterflies.
But the countryside was still showing signs of drought. But that was about the end of the summer and I could at last look forward to the Autumn - although Malcolm was in no hurry to see the end of the hot weather.
Last part tomorrow...

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