Tuesday 8 January 2019

New Year

At long last, the sun was out this morning, so Malcolm and I set off for a walk around Shipley Park. Up and over Shipley Hill, it was nice to see the countryside bathed in weak, winter sunshine.
It seems like ages since we had blue sky above us.
Down the hill, we came to Mapperley Reservoir. Bobbing around on the water were several Tufted Ducks.
Always a little wary of people, they were keeping a beady eye on us, even when they appeared to be asleep.
Close by, a pair of Cormorants were busy diving for fish...
and a Great-crested Grebe in winter plumage was trying to get to the fish first.
Back home and the bird feeders were busy too.
As always, the Sparrows were in attendance in numbers.
But the Robin was doing his best to look seasonal and very cute.
A nice start to the new year - even if we've had to wait for the sunshine.

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