Friday 28 December 2018

Review of the Year 1

It's that time of the year again, when I take a quick look back at what we've been doing through the past twelve months. So, we will start at the very beginning (a very good place to start) and we started with a very colourful character in the shape of a Mandarin duck on Osborne's Pond. Any day which includes a Mandarin, is always a good one.
Malcolm and I had a short winter break in January, part of which involved a visit to Bath and all the historical buildings which delight the visitor.
Leaving Bath behind, we set off for Cornwall, taking in the North Devon Coast on the way.
Our time in Newquay was as rewarding as ever, with some fine walks - and the weather was kind to us too.
 The sun even came out...!
 And we had a rather cheeky visitor to our hotel windowsill...
February came around and we were treated to the sight of a wonderful bird and a new 'tick' for my life list. A couple of Hawfinches, high in tree tops on Shipley Hill - which made photography rather tricky.
 Soon, the Snowdrops started to make their cheerful appearance.
The swans at Straw's Bridge were looking good in the weak winter sunshine.
In March, we had a visit to Attenborough Nature Reserve and had an usually close view of an ordinarily shy Water Rail...
a gorgeous Red-crested Pochard...
 and a rather dumpy-looking Bullfinch.
We also had a period of bitter weather which put a stop on the onset of Spring.
By the time April arrived, we eventually had a taste of spring and the blossom all seemed to appear at once. The Blackthorn...
 Pink Cherry...
 and white Cherry blossom, all combined to drive away the winter blues.
As did the delightful new-born Highland Calves.
 So impossibly cute...
That's all for today, we'll continue this trawl through the year tomorrow...

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