Monday 24 December 2018


I've been rather neglectful of this blog for some time now, so to make up for my laziness, here are a few pictures of recent walks. Starting with this morning's stroll around Straw's Bridge. It was very chilly as we set out and there were the usual Christmas Eve walkers and cyclists to contend with, but the sunshine on the frost, made it all worth while.
After all the rain yesterday, it was very wet under foot, but we avoided the mud and enjoyed the seasonal stroll.
Where the path splits, taking one route out towards Kirk Hallam, the sun was filtering through the trees making a beautiful picture.
At 'Swan Lake', all the usual suspects were there, patiently awaiting the arrival of some festive cheer in the form of a bread bag. Black-headed Gulls aplenty...
and the geese were looking shifty, especially as Malcolm kept mentioning roast potatoes done in goose fat. Don't worry lads, he didn't mean it!
We've only had a few frosty walks so far this winter, these pictures were from a couple of weeks ago. Again, the bright blue sky and weak wintry sunshine made a lovely scene.
Looking out across the fields from Shipley Hill, all looked very festive.
A few days later and these horses seemed oblivious to the cold as they gently steamed in the early morning sun.
Well, that's it for today. It only remains for me to wish a very Merry Christmas to all who deserve it.

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