Friday 30 November 2018

Birthday Boy

It has been some time since my last post, but I couldn't let today go by without mentioning a certain someones birthday. Yes, it's Malcolm's big day - how quickly they come around. So, to celebrate, we had a trip out for some retail therapy and a fish-n-chip lunch.
Unusually for this autumn, the weather was bright and sunny, so we opted for Buxton. We went during the heatwave earlier in the year so things were quite a lot cooler today.
It is always a pleasure strolling around the park in Buxton (are we getting old do you think?) and this time we were not trying to find shelter from the sun as we were back in July. The ducks seemed quite comfortable with the colder conditions too.
Having enjoyed the Pavilion gardens and the park, we headed back towards town, still under blue skies and sunshine...
Up and over the mound, giving us some good views of the Crescent (still undergoing major refurbishment).
Then it was off to do a little shopping and then to get Malcolm's favourite - Fish and Chips with mushy peas. We certainly know how to have fun!
So all that remains to be said is... Happy Birthday Malcolm and here's to many, many more to come.

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