Tuesday 6 November 2018

Autumn Wanderings

We have had some wonderful Autumn walks over the last few days, some in the sunshine, others in the early-morning mist. When the sun has shone, we have been treated to some great views of Autumnal colour. Looking straight up through the trees, almost always rewards and compensates for the inevitable crick in the neck!
When the mist has hung on until a little later in the day, we've had some rather spooky views through the trees, especially here, on Shipley Hill.
Out in the fields, the Highland Cattle are unaffected by the chill in the air.
And the Fungi continue to punctuate the countryside with their rather handsome 'toadstools'.
At Straw's Bridge a few days ago, the sun was still glinting off the water - although it's getting a lot lower in the sky.
This morning, we were once again, strolling around Shipley Hill, taking in the delightful Autumn Colours.
Glorious - and it'll soon be Christmas..!

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