Friday 29 June 2018

Summer Flowers

Despite the witheringly high temperatures at the moment, the wild flowers are doing their best to hold their petals up against the sun. Most appear to be bright yellow at this time of year. It has to be said that the Evening Primroses are suffering quite a bit, but this one was still looking good.
Barely standing above ground level, Biting Stonecrops are also battling the drought and scorching sun, but still braving things to put on a show.
Hundreds of tiny star-like flowers form a shining mat of colour among the gravel.
In the same place as the Stonecrops, the tall, delicate stems of Yellow-wort are both aptly named and just about the brightest of bright yellow flowers - so bright, that the camera finds it tricky to focus.
Of course, not all the summer flowers are yellow. There is the Purple of Purple Loosestrife...
the pink of Common Spotted Orchids (this one in our front garden)...
and of course, the white of the Daisies...
and Meadowsweet which is just starting to flower.
All rather floriferous!

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