Thursday 28 June 2018

Shady Spot

Another bright, sunny and hot day today, so once again, Malcolm and I set out on our walk this morning to find a shady spot to enjoy a view and a flask of coffee. Keeping to the trees as much as possible, we avoided the biting flies and headed towards Mapperley village. Then, it was up Shipley Hill to find somewhere to sit for a while. We found this spot, overlooking the surrounding parkland.
Sitting under the canopy of trees, sipping our coffee and enjoying the sound of birds singing and insects buzzing, we could have stayed for ever - especially with this lovely view.
All round Shipley Park at the moment, the grasses are turning brown as the drought conditions begin to take their toll. This was the view from the other side of Shipley Hill a few days ago.
Close by, where the old open-cast mining has recently been replaced by open fields and more parkland, the huge numbers of Docks are ripening to a beautiful russet shade when seen against the blue sky and the green of a distant copse of trees.
Here too, the grasses are setting seed and ripening to a dusty brown while the stately and spiky Spear Thistles add a bit of welcome colour.
They always reward a closer look - providing you don't stab yourself on their fearsome spines in the process.
With the hot weather set to continue for some days yet, there will no doubt be plenty more opportunities for our walks in search of shade!

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