Thursday 5 July 2018


At around 1000ft above sea level, Buxton is the highest market town in England. For that reason it has usually been very cold when Malcolm and I have visited the town, but yesterday, we took Malcolm's mother and her friend June there for a day out. It turned out to be warm, sunny and quite lovely.
After doing a little shopping and having a coffee and apricot croissant (a favourite treat), we had a stroll around the park, keeping to the shady paths under the trees as much as possible.
Lots of people were enjoying the weather, sitting on the benches reading or doing the crossword. Some were sunbathing on the grass, but all were having a good time.
Ducklings were picking around the water and a coot was having a very hot time of it, sitting on its nest of eggs, in full sun.
All very nice indeed.
All too soon, it was time to start heading back to the car, via the conservatory.
The floral exotica was in keeping with the sunny weather. These lilies were particularly colourful.
Goldfish swam around the pond.
Then it was back out into the sunshine and off to find Pat and June before heading off for lunch.
A lovely day out!

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