Tuesday 26 June 2018

High Summer

We seem to be experiencing something of a heatwave at the moment. The thermometer is hovering around the 80 degree mark and the sun is very strong. So Malcolm and I took ourselves off to find some shade around Mapperley wood and reservoir this morning. Through the wood, the dappled sunlight was playing and sparkling on the waters which trickle along what's left of the old canal.
Reaching the reservoir, we stood for a while, looking out over the lily pads.
The deep blue of the sky was reflected beautifully in the water, making it look a lot more inviting than its usual, slightly muddy appearance.
Floating gracefully around the reservoir, a group of about twelve Greylag Geese were taking things easy in the heat of the day.
Such a beautiful bird when seen close to.
At the far end of the reservoir, we stopped again to admire the scene and were immediately struck by the vast numbers of fish fry swimming among the lily pads.
Time for one last look at the cooling water, before we made our way, hot and bothered, back home.

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