Monday 7 May 2018

Warm Walk

Once again, the weather has yo-yo'ed from hot to cold and back again. So Malcolm and I donned our caps this morning to keep the sun off and headed out to tackle the 'farm walk' and try to keep away from too many cyclists.
Along Slack Lane, the Bluebells were looking spectacular as they bloomed in the Hawthorn hedge.
A little further on and the bright sunshine was highlighting them even more, where they grow along the bank.
Dotted among the Bluebells, the more stately figure of Green Alkanet were trying to compete with their rich blue offerings. Where they may lack in numbers, their flowers certainly make up for it with vividness of colour.
The farm has a small herd of goats, some of which were trying to keep out of the sun by sheltering under an oak tree. 'Perhaps its cooler if I stick my head through here!'
Speaking of oaks, they too are starting to show some vivid colour of their own. This one was looking particularly bright green with its coat of fresh leaves.
It is a beautiful specimen.

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